Is it time for a reboot?
Leaders – have you ever felt like you needed a physical, mental and emotional hard reboot?
Me, too.
And I found lots of different ways to reboot myself:
Float tanks
A good cry
A good night’s sleep
A good meal
A walk in nature
All the things on this list helped me feel better…for a while.

All of them treated the symptoms and not one got anywhere near the source…the root cause of the pain and frustration of not having the respect, recognition, resources and opportunities to make an impact and get ahead in the ways you want to in your career.
What if the reason for all of this frustration you feel isn’t what you think? It’s not stress, disagreements with others or having too much to do.
It’s actually because of an inner disagreement between how you were taught to behave and believe as a young girl with what you want and are capable of NOW?
Layers of conditioning – conditioning and programming from our families and popular culture about what a woman is and is not and how she acts – impact what you think about yourself, how you talk to yourself, what you do and how you respond to others (and their conditioning). I’ll help you to deconstruct all of that so that you approach the world with authenticity rather than everything you’ve programmed to believe about yourself.
This is exactly what I help women who work in male-dominated industries and environments with in Heal the Leader, my 16-week signature 1:1 program.
You have the experience, education, knowledge and skills to see how your organization REALLY works and you know what to change to make things work even better, but you and your ideas are overlooked as the decisions that affect you are made without you.
By the end of our 6 weeks together, you will:
Be seen, heard and valued for the leader you are and what you bring to the organization and be included in those discussions where the decisions that affect you are being mad
DEFINE success on YOUR terms by breaking away from your family and cultural conditioning and programming quieting your inner critic
KNOW that you are ENOUGH, no more basing your worth on how you think other people see you
Able to ask for what you want and need confident of your value and able to walk away from people and situations unable to see and respect you
Respond more and react less appearing cool and calm in situations that currently send you into a tailspin of rumination and questioning yourself
Judge yourself, others and situations less, improving all of your relationships
If you’re ready reboot your operating system to upgrade everything you know and believe about yourself, send me a DM saying “I’m ready for my upgrade!”
Once I receive it, I’lll send you a few application questions over email or Facebook messenger. Based on your answers, if you’re a good fit (I work with a small number of select women at a time to ensure high touch service and attention), then l’ll invite you into the program and we can get you started by February.