I’ve always found September to be a great month to start something new. Maybe it’s a bit of a throwback to back to school. Or maybe it’s because all the summer fun is over. Maybe it doesn’t matter.
Two years ago today, I committed to posting “Today’s Tip for a Happier Life” each day on Facebook, it part to raise the spirts of others by putting something positive in their feed and in part to see what would happen. The tips and a relentless focus on liking positive posts transformed my Facebook feed. Gone were the political and fear promoting posts. Now I have a steady diet of positivity and good news.
Today, I’m committing to fewer, and more substantial posts here on Substack rather than Facebook or other social media channels. I’ll share with you the powerful tools I used to defuse my triggers, change my story and heal the leader within, along with new ideas to recreate work so we don’t all dread Sunday evening.
One of my frustrations with “Today’s Tip for a Happier Life” was that I had absolutely no idea of who all I was reaching and if it was valuable to those who saw the posts. Sure, I’d get likes and comments with each post, yet my reach was limited to those I already knew. Unlike other platforms, Substack enables authors/content creators to be discovered by others with similar interests and allows viewers to subscribe, creating a relationship. Please consider subscribing — if you don’t like Heal the Leader, you can always unsubscribe and if you do like it, you won’t miss post and can binge read at your leisure. Free subscribers will receive notification of new posts. Paid subscribers are able to join the conversation by posting comments and will receive a monthly healing recording where I go in depth with one of the tools I’ve used to heal the leader in me.
Let the journey begin!